I want to poke myself in the head with my knitting needles.
At the moment, I am working on this very lovely skeleton lace that I found
It is just so nice and something that I've never done before. It perfectly rides the line between little old ladyish and cool. It is detailed, and fine, and oh so darn frustrating.
I'm working on something for a trade, and it seems just the thing.
IF I can finish it.
First I started one in white, like the photograph, but I am such an obsessive freak about it being perfect, that it now sits half completed and without needles on top of the piano.
How very little old ladyish of me.
Now I am working on a black one which was shaping up quite nicely until I started to lose my mind.
You know how it is. You're clicking along at a fine pace, making progress, then you realize that you've dropped a stitch about 10 rows back and because the thing is lacey and foreign and like those bracketed math problems, you start to drive yourself crazy with time consuming stitch counting and ripping and placing stitches back onto the needles and such. etc etc
At this point, I've been knitting for hours and hours and I have less work done than when I started this morning. Primarily because I ripped everything out in an agro knitting huff.
I am the Joe Pesci of knitters sometimes. It feels like Groundhog day. I just cannot look at the thing again tonight. Or maybe tomorrow.