Friday, January 30, 2009

Yarnbombing in the news!!

Mandy and Leanne are getting some props in the paper!
Lookit here!!!!!!

Keep craftin' peoples!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Probably because I'm either walking or riding my bike, these crossing poles became a popular spot for me to throw up my wares.
Some lasted as little as 1 day, while others lasted for months.
It's also nice to think that maybe somebody other than myself is enjoying them as well.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back in Black and Red

I made this some time ago and found it abandoned in one of my many bags of yarn 'n stuff.
It looks much better up here.

I feel like I haven't made anything in ages, so it was fun putting this up in the dark snowy morning.

I did see a larger man with a safety vest and a city van scraping stuff off the bike path poles earlier elsewhere.
I hope it's not a bad omen.

Oh well, c'est la vie!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Strathcozies on the move

I got the idea into my head that I should 'gift' some of my friends and neighbours with these colourful additions to their cars.
It was fun albeit nerve wracking to be fiddling around someone's car not knowing whether or not I would be accosted. Probably the best gifting episode I had was on a total stranger's car....the infamous orange Pinto of Strathcona! It was awesome!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

In the Beginning

Born out of boredom and the notion of putting up aerosol free knit graff started by the knitta crew, I began to make my own small mark in my lovely neighbourhood of Strathcona. It has taken me awhile to put these items up here, but there seems to be some interest, so here I go...

amy's fence

the pottery shop

homestead pole